GDPR-compliant privacy policy
Privacy Policy
Last updated on 14.01.2022
The terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy (hereinafter, “Policy”) apply
to any information Doctor Web, Ltd., (hereinafter, “Rights Holder”) has
received, receives and/or may receive about the users/visitors/participants
(hereinafter, “You”) of any of the Rights Holder's websites, services, promo
events and contests, social media groups and communities, subscriptions,
computer programs, and other products belonging to the Rights Holder
(hereinafter, “Services”) immediately before You use the Services, while You
are using the Services or in connection with Your use of the Services, and
also after such use.
You unconditionally and entirely accept the terms and conditions of the
Policy as soon as You start using the Services. If You disagree with the
Policy or with any of its terms and conditions, You must cease using the
Services. You understand that only adult individuals can use the Services,
and, therefore, when starting to use the Services, You confirm that You 1)
have attained legal age in accordance with the laws of the country of which
You are a national, or 2) that Your agreement with the Policy is given with
the permission and in the presence of Your parents or other legal
representatives. Unless You have not expressly agreed to the contrary, the
Rights Holder proceeds on the basis that You have reached the age of
Information which the Rights Holder has received, receives or may
receive, as well as its authorised agent in the territory where the Services
are distributed (hereinafter, “Information”):
2.1. The Information provided by You, as well as by the Rights Holder’s
certified partners whose information is available on the Rights Holder's
website page
(hereinafter, "Certified Partners"), including when using the Services
and creating accounts in the Services. This Information may include, for
example, comments You made while using the Services and Your contact
information or personal data specified when registering or buying the
Services. The Rights Holder does not verify the Information and proceeds
on the basis that the Information provided by You or the Certified
Partner is reliable and up to date, and was obtained legally and with
Your consent. The Rights Holder is not liable for the consequences
arising from being provided with unreliable or outdated Information.
2.2. The Information that is automatically transmitted to the Rights Holder by Your devices through the software installed on those devices while You are using the Services. Such information includes, for example, Your IP address, cookie data, location, Your hardware and software configuration, and information about the actions You take when You are using the Services.
2.3. The Rights Holder uses and processes, among other things, the
following information about legal entities: full name, the email address
and phone number of the legal entity’s contact person (contact persons),
the name of the legal entity, the legal entity's TIN and KPP, the legal
entity's registered address, and the legal entity's address for postal
deliveries. By accepting the terms and conditions of this Privacy
Policy, the legal entity guarantees to the Rights Holder that the legal
entity has the appropriate consents and permissions of its contact
persons, if this is necessary in order for the Rights Holder to use and
process the Information according to the terms of this Policy.
3.1. Cookies are small text files that are temporarily stored on Your
computer and allow websites to identify Your computer, for example,
during repeat website visits. Cookies do not contain any personal data
and are required for the collection of statistical data. They make Your
authentication possible with regards to the use of certain Services,
which makes it easier for You to navigate the Services and eliminates
the need for You to repeatedly enter Your credentials. For technical
reasons, authentication for some Services may be impossible without the
authorised use of Cookies. You understand and agree that outside
technologies used by the Rights Holder, such as website visitor
counters, can independently and without the Rights Holder’s knowledge
place their own Cookies on Your computer.
3.2. You understand that it is at Your discretion to allow, prohibit, or
restrict the use of Cookies. To do this, You need to adjust the
appropriate settings of Your browser—for the software employed by You to
visit websites. You may also remove previously received Cookies.
3.3. The Rights Holder proceeds on the basis that by using the Services
and visiting the Rights Holder’s website, You agree to the Rights
Holder’s use of Cookies.
The purposes for receiving and processing the Information
4.1. The Rights Holder and its authorised agent in the territory where
the Services are being distributed receive and process the Information
needed to provide the Services, ensure the security of You and its
Services, monitor Your compliance with Service usage rules, render You
technical assistance, provide services, develop and improve products and
Services, and execute agreements. The Information is also used to
collect and summarise statistics, conduct research, and to communicate
and engage in other interactions with You (hereinafter, "Interaction").
4.2. You understand and accept that Information about the composition
and configuration of Your hardware and software is needed in order for
the Rights Holder to pinpoint any technical problems You have
experienced as a result of using the Services and to develop the most
effective recommendations for eliminating such problems.
4.3. You understand and accept that when using the Services to upload
files for online antivirus scanning, the full path to the uploaded files
on Your device is revealed to the Rights Holder. On the basis of the
files and other data provided by You, the Rights Holder has the right to
generate signatures and data sets, which can later be stored and used in
antivirus databases. You also understand and accept that despite the
fact that the Rights Holder uses secure protocols for
receiving/transmitting data, the content of the files uploaded for
online antivirus scanning may be intercepted and read by third parties
at the moment such files are uploaded (before the Rights Holder receives
the files) without Your or the Rights Holder’s knowledge. Therefore, the
Rights Holder is not liable for the safety of the information contained
in files uploaded by You for online antivirus scanning.
Personal data of individuals
5.1. A prerequisite that must be met in order for Services to be
provided to You is that the Rights Holder must receive Your personal
data and subsequently process it. You give Your consent to having the
Rights Holder process Your personal data and perform the following
actions with Your personal data: it can be collected, recorded, used,
copied, systematised, accumulated, stored, clarified (updated, changed,
documented), extracted, transferred (distributed, provided, accessed),
blocked, anonymised, deleted, cross-border transferred, and destroyed;
and the actions listed above can also be carried out by means of
automated processing.
5.2. The Rights Holder is the data controller. Your personal data is
collected by the Rights Holder and its affiliates in accordance with
statutory principles relating to the processing of personal data. In
some sources of application distribution (hereinafter, "Software") and
third-party services, the Rights Holder may not be able to influence the
process of sending Your personal data to owners of such services and
software distribution sources (for example, Google analytics, Google
Play, Yandex Metrica, etc.). You understand and agree to have Your data
sent to owners of software distribution sources and third-party
5.3. The Rights Holder collects and processes only those personal data
needed to perform contracts or agreements with You, provide services and
consultations to You, provide technical support, provide Services and
communicate with You and engage in other Interaction, and also for the
purposes stated in clauses 5.3.1 and 5.5 of this Policy. For example, if
You contact the technical support or email it, the Rights Holder will
process the data provided by You while that request is being processed.
The Rights Holder does not collect or process personal data that is
legally classified as “special categories of personal data”.
5.3.1. The Rights Holder processes the following personal data of
natural persons that has been provided by You and Certified Partners
when filling out the Rights Holder’s special forms:
a) Your full name — the Rights Holder needs this information to
identify You when providing the Services to You, and to provide
technical support to You and for other purposes in accordance with
clause 5.5 of this Policy;
b) Your email address — the Rights Holder needs it to communicate
with You when providing Services and technical support to You,
including in order to send You service, advertising, and other
informational emails in accordance with the terms and conditions
of this Policy and other Interaction with You, and other purposes
in accordance with clause 5.5 of this Policy;
c) Your contact phone number — the Rights Holder needs it as an
alternative method of communicating with You in order to maintain
Interaction with You in the event You make errors when specifying
an email address and to have an additional method of
communication, including for sending information and advertising
SMS messages to this number, to identify You in messengers and for
other purposes in accordance with clause 5.5 of this Policy;
d) Your date of birth — the Rights Holder needs it to verify
whether You have reached the age of majority, to ensure Your
participation in promo events conducted by the Rights Holder, and
to congratulate You on Your birthday, and for other purposes in
accordance with clause 5.5 of this Policy.
e) Your gender and education are provided by You when filling out
the user profile form on the Rights Holder's website, optionally,
on a voluntary basis (the ability to use the Services does not
depend on You providing this data); and the Rights Holder needs it
solely to research and form a generalised user profile in order to
improve the Services, and to advertise and promote the Services
among potential users and other customers.
5.4. The Rights Holder, within its competence, takes the technical and
organisational measures necessary and sufficient to ensure that Your
personal data will not be made available to third parties without Your
consent and will not be deleted accidentally or as the result of illegal
5.5. The purposes of processing Your personal data are the purposes
specified in clause 5.3.1 of this Policy, and also the following
5.5.1. to render services to You, and to conclude and execute any
contracts and agreements between You and the Rights Holder,
5.5.2. to provide You with consultations and/or technical support,
- 5.5.3. to provide Services to You,
5.5.4. to communicate and for Interaction with You, including as a
user of Dr.Web antivirus software to ensure that Your information
systems are properly protected by the antivirus,
5.5.5. to provide You with informational materials on computer
literacy issues,
- 5.5.6. to promote the Rights Holder's Services,
5.5.7. to provide reference information to You and also to inform
You about the technical and functional characteristics of the
5.5.8. to send advertising messages to You (about new Services and
updates to existing ones, notifications on promotions, offers to
prolong or resume the Interaction and also to change the terms of
such Interaction and other advertising messages) using the
communication methods You or a Certified Partner provided, and
contact information You or a Certified Partner specified.
5.6. The place that processes Your personal data, regardless of where
You reside/stay, is the Rights Holder’s location—the Russian Federation.
The legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data
protection may differ from the legislation of the country of Your
5.7. The storage period for Your personal data is equal to the period
needed to execute contracts or agreements with You, render services,
consultations, and technical support to You, and provide Services; this
storage period is also equal to the period determined by the Rights
Holder’s internal regulations and needed to be able to inform You about
the technical and functional characteristics of the Services, and also
send You advertising messages (notifications and offers to prolong or
resume the Interaction).
5.8. You have the right to request from the Rights Holder (or its
authorised person in the territory where the Services are being
distributed) information about the personal data being processed, to
withdraw Your consent to having Your personal data processed, and to
demand termination; You also have the right to ask for Your personal
data to be clarified, blocked or destroyed if this personal data is
incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or not necessary
for the stated purpose of data processing.
5.9. The Rights Holder, upon receiving such requests, has the right to
take the necessary actions and request, from the person who sent the
request, the information necessary to verify that such a person is the
subject of the personal data requested by him/her. This measure is aimed
at protecting Your personal data from being leaked to third parties and
preventing third parties, including other Users, from attempting to gain
access to Your personal data.
5.10. Due to the fact that personal data also statutorily includes data
necessary for Your technical identification and necessary for using the
Rights Holder’s Services, if You send a request to the Rights Holder to
stop processing or delete Your personal data, the contracts and
agreements concluded with You (as well as other types of Interaction)
cease to operate on the day that Your personal data stops being
processed or is deleted in connection with Your expression of Your
voluntary will. The termination of contracts and agreements in
connection with Your voluntary will means that You cannot use the Rights
Holder’s Services from the date of such termination, and also that the
Rights Holder has no obligation to compensate You for the unused period
of the agreement, contract or Services.
5.11 The Rights Holder has the right to transfer Your Information to
third parties, including to Certified Partners, in the cases specified
- a) You have granted Your consent for such action;
b) the transfer is needed within the scope of a particular Service
used by You, or in order for You to use the Services, or to provide
services to You. This includes but is not limited to investigating
Your potential violations;
c) the transfer is stipulated by Russian or other applicable
legislation under procedures established by the legislation;
d) the transfer is needed to ensure the extension of Your rights to
use the Services.
5.12. You understand and accept that the Rights Holder, as well as its
authorised agent in the territory where the Services are being
distributed, has the right to use the Information in the Services to
contact You and to use any comments posted by You via the Services in
the Rights Holder’s official social media groups and other communities
of the Rights Holder's on the Internet.
5.13. The validity period of the consent You give to have Your personal
data processed by the Rights Holder in accordance with the terms of this
Policy is unlimited; however, You have the right to revoke this consent
at any time and to request that the Rights Holder stops processing Your
personal data by sending a written notice/request to the address
specified in the Rights Holder’s contact details (in accordance with
clause 7 of this Policy) with the note: "Revocation of consent to have
personal data processed" or "Request to stop processing personal data".
The revocation of consent to have personal data processed, as well as
the request to stop processing personal data, may also entail, in
addition to the specified clause 5.10 of this Policy, the deletion of
Your account on the Rights Holder’s Internet site/sites, the
impossibility of identifying such a person as the user, including as a
Dr.Web user, which means that such a person cannot use Dr.Web antivirus
programs and receive technical support from the Rights Holder and/or
from its Certified Partners.
Other conditions.
6.1. By accepting the terms of this Policy, You directly and expressly
agree to receive advertising messages from the Rights Holder, as well as
its authorised agent in the territory where the Services are being
distributed (about new Services and updates to existing ones,
notifications on promotions, offers to prolong or resume the
Interaction, and also to change the terms of such Interaction and other
advertising messages) by the communication means that You or the
Certified Partner indicated (Your contact details). At the same time,
You have the right to refuse to receive advertising messages at any time
in Your personal account area on the Rights Holder's website.
6.2. You understand that the information posted in the Services (except
when expressly indicated): is not an offer; it cannot be used in
situations where there is the risk of a threat to the life and health of
people and the risk of any losses or damage (including, but not limited
to, for the development of documentation and commercial offers, and for
participation in tender procedures).
6.3. The Rights Holder can change the terms of this Policy without
giving prior notice to You. A new version of the Policy comes into force
as soon as it is published at, unless stated
otherwise by the new version of the Policy. The current legislation of
the Russian Federation applies to this Privacy Policy and the
relationship between You and the Rights Holder.
The Rights Holder's contact information
Address: 2–12a, 2-12a, 3rd Yamskoye Polye Street, 125124, Moscow, Russia
PSRN 1047796021723 / TIN 7714533600